“Seers have the potential for supernatural insight who sees visions of the future.”
I have always found Seers so fascinating…their ability to bring the elements and ethereal world into words…wow.
In many ancient traditions different versions of Seers would use smoke (scrying) as their meeting point with Spirit to help them interpret what they were seeing and feeling.
Many Priestess' had/have this gift, I believe a huge and integral role in this is to be discerning and true of heart.
At the end of the day we all naturally have the capacity to tune into the realm of the unseen and head the blessings, guidance and warnings, even in simple acts such as prayer. Again I'll mention, to be discerning and true of heart.
As women, especially when we are in our inner winter/menstruation. The veil to the other realm becomes thinner.
I photographed this in my room and didn’t like the brick wall background so I edited in the pillars…
I’m grateful for this creative outlet and for those following along the journey.